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產品路線圖Product Roadmap

1 了解無鑰匙進入系統
1 入口鑰匙解碼器
我的大綱之一是: 瞭解無鑰匙進入系統
此步驟的核心貨幣是: 知識
此步驟的一般主題是: 汽車技術
我的客戶在完成此步驟后將獲得的結果是: 解鎖
Entry Key Decoder 步驟時可能遇到的前三個困難:
1. 需要成為技術專家
的有用性 列出您的觀眾可能會問的關於進入鑰匙
1. 什麼是汽車無鑰匙進入系統,它是如何工作的?
2. 為什麼無鑰匙進入系統在現代汽車中越來越受歡迎?
3. 使用無鑰匙進入系統的優缺點是什麼?
Entry Key Decoder 的三個操作是:
1. 研究什麼是無鑰匙進入系統。
2. 了解它們在汽車中的工作原理。
3. 確定常見問題和解決方案。
的理解 第 1 頁,共 9 頁
2 汽車市場指南針
我的大綱二是: 汽車行銷
基礎 此步驟的核心貨幣是: 可見性
此步驟的一般主題是: 行銷基礎
我的客戶在完成此步驟后將取得的結果是: 掌握
Auto Market Compass 步驟時可能遇到的前三大困難:
1. 需要深入的行銷知識
列出您的受眾可能會問的有關 Auto Market
Compass 的前三個問題:
1. 行銷的基礎知識是什麼,為什麼它對企業很重要?
2. 數字時代的行銷發生了怎樣的變化?
3. 大家都應該知道哪些常見的行銷術語?
Auto Market Compass 的三個行動是:
1. 瞭解基本的行銷概念。
2. 學習行銷的 4 P。
3. 了解汽車產品的目標受眾。
的基礎知識 第 2 頁,共 9 頁
3 網頁啟動藍圖
我的大綱三是: 創建行銷
網站 此步驟的核心貨幣是: 存在
此步驟的一般主題是: 數位行銷
我的客戶在完成此步驟后將獲得的結果是: 構建一個引人入勝的
Web Launch Blueprint 步驟時可能遇到的前三個困難:
1. 擔心網頁設計技能
列出您的受眾可能會問的有關 Web Launch
Blueprint 的前三個問題:
1. 為什麼擁有網站對於行銷汽車產品很重要?
3. 網站如何説明提升在線形象並吸引客戶?
Web Launch Blueprint 的三個操作是:
1. 探索用於創建網站構建器。
2. 選擇最好的託管服務提供者。
3. 設計使用者友好的網站佈局。
Million Dollar Message
第 3 頁,共 9 頁
2 汽車營銷
基礎 第 1 階段:觸摸開始資源管理員
我的大綱四是: 探索一鍵式啟動系統
的功能 此步驟的核心貨幣是: 效率
此步驟的一般主題是: 汽車技術
Touch Start Explorer 步驟時可能遇到的前三個困難:
1. 對技術術語
的困惑 2.害怕複雜的介面
列出您的觀眾可能會問的有關 Touch Start
Explorer 的前三個問題:
1. 什麼是汽車中的一鍵式啟動系統,它如何改善駕駛
2. 一鍵式啟動系統與傳統的點火方法有何不同?
3. 在車輛中使用一鍵式啟動系統的潛在缺點是什麼?
Touch Start Explorer 的三個操作是:
1. 瞭解一鍵式啟動系統的工作原理。
2. 評估不同系統的功能。
3. 了解對汽車使用者的好處。
Million Dollar Message
第 4 頁,共 9
頁 第 2 階段:Strategy Forge Toolkit
我的大綱五是: 制定行銷策略
此步驟的核心貨幣是: 策略
此步驟的一般主題是: 行銷策略
我的客戶在完成此步驟後將達到的結果是: 制定
Strategy Forge Toolkit 步驟時可能遇到的前三大困難:
1. 相信策略太難
了 2.擔心策略行不通
不確定性 列出您的受眾可能會問的有關 Strategy
Forge Toolkit 的前三個問題:
1. 什麼是行銷策略,為什麼它對企業很重要?
2. 您如何開始為汽車產品制定行銷策略?
3. 有效的行銷策略應包含哪些要素?
Strategy Forge Toolkit 的三個行動是:
1. 制定明確的營銷目標。
2. 確定你獨特的賣點。
3. 制定計劃以覆蓋您的受眾。
第 5 頁,共 9
頁 第 3 階段:社交媒體脈搏
我的大綱六是: 利用社交媒體進行推廣
此步驟的核心貨幣是: 參與
此步驟的一般主題是: 數字行銷
我的客戶在完成此步驟后將獲得的結果是: 利用社交媒體
Social Media Pulse 步驟時可能遇到的前三大困難:
1. 擔心社交媒體的複雜性
用的 3.擔心受眾參與度
1. 如何利用社交媒體有效地推廣汽車產品?
2. 汽車行銷有哪些流行的社交媒體平臺?
3. 為什麼在社交媒體上與客戶互動很重要?
1. 使用社交媒體突出產品。
2. 確定您的受眾使用哪些平臺。
3. 定期發帖以保持高參與度。
Million Dollar Message
第 6 頁,共 9 頁
3 為行銷
創建網站 SEO Power Booster
我的大綱七是: 您網站的
搜尋引擎優化 (SEO) 此步驟的核心貨幣是: 排名
此步驟的一般主題是: 數字行銷
我的客戶在完成此步驟后將獲得的結果是:通過有效的 SEO 提高網站
SEO Power Booster 步驟時可能遇到的前三大困難:
1. 懷疑 SEO 的有效性
2.對 SEO 技術
感到困惑 3.擔心 SEO 無濟於
事 列出您的受眾可能會問的有關 SEO Power
Booster 的前三個問題:
1. 什麼是 SEO,為什麼它對網站的可見性至關重要?
2. SEO 如何説明吸引更多網站訪問者?
3. 每個人都應該遵循哪些基本的 SEO 實踐?
SEO Power Booster 的三個動作是:
1. 學習關鍵的 SEO 術語和技巧。
2. 針對搜尋引擎優化您的網站。
3. 在你的內容中有效地使用關鍵詞。
優化網站 第 7 頁,共 9 頁
互動式 Spark Creator
我的大綱八是: 通過互動式內容
吸引客戶 此步驟的核心貨幣是: 互動
此步驟的一般主題是: 客戶參與
我的客戶在完成此步驟後將獲得的結果是: 參與
Interactive Spark Creator 步驟時可能遇到的前三個困難:
1. 擔心創意
人 3.相信互動是不必要的
列出您的受眾可能會問的關於 Interactive
Spark Creator 的前三個問題:
1. 互動式內容如何提高客戶參與度?
2. 汽車行銷可以使用哪些類型的互動內容?
Interactive Spark Creator 的三個操作是:
1. 創建邀請交互的內容。
2. 使用民意調查和測驗來吸引使用者。
3. 快速回復評論和反饋。
Million Dollar Message
吸引客戶 第 8 頁,共 9 頁
Performance Insight Analyzer
我的大綱九是: 分析和提高營銷績效
此步驟的核心貨幣是: 洞察力
此步驟的一般主題是: 績效分析
我的客戶在完成此步驟後將獲得的結果是: 增強
Performance Insight Analyzer 步驟時可能遇到的前三大困難:
1. 懷疑性能分析
的好處 列出您的受眾可能會問的有關 Performance
Insight Analyzer 的前三個問題:
1. 您如何分析營銷活動的績效?
2. 哪些工具可以幫助跟蹤和提高營銷績效?
3. 為什麼不斷審查和改進您的行銷策略很重要?
Performance Insight Analyzer 的三個操作是:
1. 定期跟蹤營銷結果。
2. 確定需要改進的領域。
3. 根據效果數據調整策略。
Million Dollar Message

Product Roadmap
1 Understanding Keyless Entry Systems
1 Entry Key Decoder
My outline one is: Understanding Keyless Entry Systems
The core currency for the this step is: knowledge
The general Topic for the this step is: Automotive Technology
The result my customers will achieve after completing the this step is: Unlock
knowledge of keyless entry systems.
List the top three struggles your audience might run into when going
through Entry Key Decoder step:
1. needing to become a tech expert
2. fearing complex security systems
3. doubting usefulness of keyless entry
List the top three questions your audience might ask about Entry Key
1. What is a keyless entry system in cars and how does it work?
2. Why are keyless entry systems becoming popular in modern vehicles?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using keyless entry systems?
The three actions for Entry Key Decoder Are:
1. Study what keyless entry systems are.
2. Learn how they work in cars.
3. Identify common problems and solutions.
Million Dollar Message
unlocks understanding of keyless entry
Page 1 of 9
2 Auto Market Compass
My outline two is: Basics of Automotive Marketing
The core currency for the this step is: visibility
The general Topic for the this step is: Marketing Fundamentals
The result my customers will achieve after completing the this step is: Grasp
fundamentals of automotive marketing.
List the top three struggles your audience might run into when going
through Auto Market Compass step:
1. needing deep marketing knowledge
2. believing marketing won't work
3. fearing marketing failure
List the top three questions your audience might ask about Auto Market
1. What are the basics of marketing and why is it important for businesses?
2. How has marketing changed in the digital age?
3. What are some common marketing terms everyone should know?
The three actions for Auto Market Compass Are:
1. Understand basic marketing concepts.
2. Learn the 4 Ps of marketing.
3. Know the target audience for automotive products.
Million Dollar Message
grasp fundamentals of automotive marketing
Page 2 of 9
3 Web Launch Blueprint
My outline three is: Creating a Website for Marketing
The core currency for the this step is: presence
The general Topic for the this step is: Digital Marketing
The result my customers will achieve after completing the this step is: Build a
captivating automotive marketing website.
List the top three struggles your audience might run into when going
through Web Launch Blueprint step:
1. worrying about web design skills
2. questioning website importance
3. doubting online presence value
List the top three questions your audience might ask about Web Launch
1. Why is having a website important for marketing automotive products?
2. What are the main steps to create a simple marketing website?
3. How can a website help boost online presence and attract customers?
The three actions for Web Launch Blueprint Are:
1. Explore website builders for creating a site.
2. Choose the best hosting provider.
3. Design a user-friendly site layout.
Million Dollar Message
create an effective marketing website
Page 3 of 9
2 Basics of Automotive Marketing
Phase 1: Touch Start Explorer
My outline four is: Exploring Features of One-touch Start Systems
The core currency for the this step is: efficiency
The general Topic for the this step is: Automotive Technology
The result my customers will achieve after completing the this step is: Discover onetouch start system features.
List the top three struggles your audience might run into when going
through Touch Start Explorer step:
1. confusion about tech terms
2. fearing complicated interfaces
3. doubting one-touch start value
List the top three questions your audience might ask about Touch Start
1. What is a one-touch start system in cars and how does it improve the driving
2. How do one-touch start systems differ from traditional ignition methods?
3. What are the potential drawbacks of using one-touch start systems in vehicles?
The three actions for Touch Start Explorer Are:
1. Discover how one-touch start systems work.
2. Evaluate features of different systems.
3. Understand benefits for car users.
Million Dollar Message
discover one-touch start features
Page 4 of 9
Phase 2: Strategy Forge Toolkit
My outline five is: Developing a Marketing Strategy
The core currency for the this step is: strategy
The general Topic for the this step is: Marketing Strategy
The result my customers will achieve after completing the this step is: Create a
powerful marketing strategy.
List the top three struggles your audience might run into when going
through Strategy Forge Toolkit step:
1. believing strategies are too hard
2. fearing strategy won't work
3. uncertainty about marketing plans
List the top three questions your audience might ask about Strategy
Forge Toolkit:
1. What is a marketing strategy and why is it important for businesses?
2. How do you start developing a marketing strategy for an automotive product?
3. What elements should be included in an effective marketing strategy?
The three actions for Strategy Forge Toolkit Are:
1. Develop clear marketing objectives.
2. Identify your unique selling points.
3. Create a plan to reach your audience.
Million Dollar Message
develop a robust marketing strategy
Page 5 of 9
Phase 3: Social Media Pulse
My outline six is: Utilizing Social Media for Promotion
The core currency for the this step is: engagement
The general Topic for the this step is: Digital Marketing
The result my customers will achieve after completing the this step is: Harness social
media for promotion and growth.
List the top three struggles your audience might run into when going
through Social Media Pulse step:
1. fearing social media complexity
2. thinking promotion is useless
3. worrying about audience engagement
List the top three questions your audience might ask about Social Media
1. How can social media be used to promote automotive products effectively?
2. What are some popular social media platforms for automotive marketing?
3. Why is it important to engage with customers on social media?
The three actions for Social Media Pulse Are:
1. Use social media to highlight products.
2. Identify which platforms your audience uses.
3. Post regularly to keep engagement high.
Million Dollar Message
leverage social media for promotion
Page 6 of 9
3 Creating a Website for Marketing
SEO Power Booster
My outline seven is: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Your Website
The core currency for the this step is: ranking
The general Topic for the this step is: Digital Marketing
The result my customers will achieve after completing the this step is: Boost website
visibility with effective SEO.
List the top three struggles your audience might run into when going
through SEO Power Booster step:
1. doubting SEO effectiveness
2. confused by SEO techniques
3. fearing SEO won't help
List the top three questions your audience might ask about SEO Power
1. What is SEO and why is it crucial for a website's visibility?
2. How does SEO help in attracting more website visitors?
3. What are some basic SEO practices everyone should follow?
The three actions for SEO Power Booster Are:
1. Learn key SEO terms and techniques.
2. Optimize your site for search engines.
3. Use keywords effectively in your content.
Million Dollar Message
optimize website for search engines
Page 7 of 9
Interactive Spark Creator
My outline eight is: Engaging Customers through Interactive Content
The core currency for the this step is: interaction
The general Topic for the this step is: Customer Engagement
The result my customers will achieve after completing the this step is: Engage
customers with interactive content.
List the top three struggles your audience might run into when going
through Interactive Spark Creator step:
1. worrying about creative ideas
2. fearing content won't engage
3. believing interaction is unnecessary
List the top three questions your audience might ask about Interactive
Spark Creator:
1. How can interactive content enhance customer engagement?
2. What types of interactive content can be used in automotive marketing?
3. Why is customer engagement important for the success of a marketing
The three actions for Interactive Spark Creator Are:
1. Create content that invites interaction.
2. Use polls and quizzes to engage users.
3. Respond to comments and feedback quickly.
Million Dollar Message
engage customers with interactive content
Page 8 of 9
Performance Insight Analyzer
My outline nine is: Analyzing and Improving Marketing Performance
The core currency for the this step is: insight
The general Topic for the this step is: Performance Analysis
The result my customers will achieve after completing the this step is: Enhance
marketing performance through analysis.
List the top three struggles your audience might run into when going
through Performance Insight Analyzer step:
1. doubting performance analysis
2. uncertain about improvement methods
3. questioning benefit of data analysis
List the top three questions your audience might ask about Performance
Insight Analyzer:
1. How can you analyze the performance of a marketing campaign?
2. What tools can help track and improve marketing performance?
3. Why is it important to constantly review and improve your marketing strategy?
The three actions for Performance Insight Analyzer Are:
1. Track marketing results regularly.
2. Identify areas for improvement.
3. Adjust strategy based on performance data.
Million Dollar Message
improve marketing with performance analysis

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