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I want to remove off the bubble away ,

If you’re trying to completely remove Facebook’s annoying pop-up bubbles (like notifications, hover previews, or suggestions), here’s a focused method to block or hide them:

1. Turn Off Notifications Pop-Up (Native Setting)

If the issue is Facebook’s notification bubbles:
1. On Desktop:
• Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Notifications.
• Adjust individual notification categories (e.g., tags, comments) to off or set them to email only.
2. On Mobile:
• Go to your Profile Menu > Settings & Privacy > Notification Settings.
• Disable the notifications you don’t need.

2. Remove Hover Tooltips with Browser Extensions

If the problem is hover-based “bubbles” or tooltips (like names, message previews, etc.):

Option 1: Use Stylus
1. Install Stylus:
• Stylus for Chrome
• Stylus for Firefox
2. Add a Custom Style:
• Open Stylus > Write New Style.
• Paste this CSS code:

[aria-label], [role="tooltip"], ._tooltip {
display: none !important;

• Apply it to facebook.com only.

3. Save and refresh Facebook.

Option 2: Use uBlock Origin
1. Install uBlock Origin:
• Chrome
• Firefox
2. Add Filters:
• Go to Settings > My Filters.
• Add this rule:

facebook.com##[aria-label], [role="tooltip"], ._tooltip

• Save and refresh Facebook.

3. Completely Block Pop-Ups by Disabling Hover Effects

Disable JavaScript to stop Facebook’s dynamic pop-ups (less recommended as it can break functionality):
1. Use a browser extension like Disable JavaScript for Chrome.
2. Turn off JavaScript only for facebook.com.
• Chrome: Right-click the page > Inspect > Settings > Disable JavaScript.
• Refresh Facebook.

If you’re still seeing the problem, can you describe the specific pop-up you’re trying to remove? For example:
• Hover tooltips (names, previews, etc.).
• Notification bubbles (red badges or alerts).
• Other floating elements.

I’ll tailor the solution further!

發表於: 1/20 13:06
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